Friday, December 21, 2007

I don't know? Me and that candiate make strange bedfellows . . .

Today was an odd day. What i thought would be a free day was spent at the West Los Angeles traffic court. I had to square away a fix it ticket. What should have taken five minutes took three hours and $25. Neon lights, bad Christmas decorations, and bureaucratic procedures are not a good combination. The best part of the day was the drive over there.

The Supulveda pass wizzed by as I listened to this weeks episode of This American Life. This week they explored friendships and how sometimes the most unlikely people become good bed fellows. It got me thinking, not just about the way i see my friendships, but towards the way i see life, and the decisions i will have to make in the near future.

All i have been hearing recently on public radio is Iowa this and Iowa that. I know, an important state whose results will help determine which candidates will move on in the election and which ones will not. But what i have gathered is that the results might be a crap shoot. While some people are up and others are down, no one is quite sure how it will all turn out. Which then got me thinking, "will i be placed in a position to vote for a strange bedfellow?" A person I might not think at first to have anything in common with, but later find to be a trusty companion?

I DON'T KNOW. At the moment i feel more confused then a post-op tranny waiting at a bus stop for Santa Claus.

Just some food for thought. Give it a listen, you'll laugh, you'll cry, maybe even have an epiphany.


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