Saturday, December 29, 2007

Stand Up, Take Responsibility, Be An Adult

In kindergarten if I pulled on someones pig tales I would have to take responsibility for my actions. In elementary school if i did not do my homework I would own up to my actions and take responsibility. In high when I threw a party that got out of hand and was busted by my folks, I stood up and took responsibility.  At work, if I dropped the ball on a project or forgot to relay a message I would take responsibility for my mistake. My whole life I have been taught by parents, teachers, employeers and friends that I am responsible for my actions, and that when I fail, slip up, or make a mistake it is I that takes responsibility.

Yet what baffles me is that the people we entrust with the most responsibilites in this country don't seem to think that they have to be accountable for their actions, at all.  One person in particular that comes to mind is L Paul Bremer. He was appointed by President Bush in 2003 to take over for Gen. Jay Garner in overseeing the reconstruction and humanitarian efforts in Iraq. Well, it does not take a genius to see that he has received an F in these matters. Yet, there is no apology or acceptance of any wrong doing on his part, what so ever.

In a new documentary entitled No End In Sight a disturbing picture of his actions paints out that he was a neglectful and unqualified person for the job. Declining to be interviewed for the film, the film makers managed to find one video interview of Bermer on CNN. When pressed with a tough question the, "I can't recall" answer was the only thing that came to Bremer's mind. Come on bub, don't play stupid, that excuse did not work on my parents and it aint going to work on me.

This is just one person in a long list of people who should be accountable for their actions. I mean, the clerk at the grocery store has to account for every penny that comes through his register, you would hope that the same rules apply to someone like lets say the President.

Here is a good time line of how we as America dropped the ball in possibly curbing the amount of violence we are now seeing in Iraq. Who knows what could have been, but I do feel that Bremer's actions have coast us dearly. And who is going to take responsibility? Those who have lost their lives, and the unfortunate others that will follow. 

Friday, December 28, 2007

08ingchange is east coast bound

Armed with over 100 posters in my bag, 08ingchange is heading out to New York city to bring in the new year. I will be hitting the streets of NYC for the next three to four weeks, spreading the message and creating some change in the city. What better way to bring in 2008 then sharing the idea that CHANGE is all the rage.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Chasing Santa on Christmas Eve

Last night was a success. We clocked in over 60 miles of LA streets, hitting up the valley, westwood, santa monica, vencie, culver city, west hollywood, los feliz and chinatown.

Also a special thanks to D for coming along for the ride and providing his wheels. I am proud to say that this poster run was done entirely on veggie oil.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Ron Paul Blimp


Props to the Ron Paul blimp. I noticed some posts you placed up on box we have been occupying for some time, the one on Laurel Canyon and Riverside. Thanks for not covering up '08 but adding to it.

I am not sure if I understand the blimp but kudos for trying something different. Blimps are a good way to catch attention. I remember as a kid my parents pointing out to me, "look there's a blimp" and sure enough there was a blimp, high in the sky and moving incredibly slowly. Nine times out of ten it was for Met Life.

You can check out what i mean by visiting

Friday, December 21, 2007

I don't know? Me and that candiate make strange bedfellows . . .

Today was an odd day. What i thought would be a free day was spent at the West Los Angeles traffic court. I had to square away a fix it ticket. What should have taken five minutes took three hours and $25. Neon lights, bad Christmas decorations, and bureaucratic procedures are not a good combination. The best part of the day was the drive over there.

The Supulveda pass wizzed by as I listened to this weeks episode of This American Life. This week they explored friendships and how sometimes the most unlikely people become good bed fellows. It got me thinking, not just about the way i see my friendships, but towards the way i see life, and the decisions i will have to make in the near future.

All i have been hearing recently on public radio is Iowa this and Iowa that. I know, an important state whose results will help determine which candidates will move on in the election and which ones will not. But what i have gathered is that the results might be a crap shoot. While some people are up and others are down, no one is quite sure how it will all turn out. Which then got me thinking, "will i be placed in a position to vote for a strange bedfellow?" A person I might not think at first to have anything in common with, but later find to be a trusty companion?

I DON'T KNOW. At the moment i feel more confused then a post-op tranny waiting at a bus stop for Santa Claus.

Just some food for thought. Give it a listen, you'll laugh, you'll cry, maybe even have an epiphany.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"CHANGE" is all the political rage

In listening to Warren Olney's "To the Point" today on LA's KCRW radio station, political analysts talked about the battle for the term "change" in the Democratic primaries.


Obama is gaining ground on his "Change" platform - basically a smug on the outdated, political rigidness of the Clintons.

Hillary responded by claiming her slice of the "Change" pie. She now calls herself an "agent of change," claiming she's got the experience to implement this Change.

But who really owns Change? '08ingchange does!! It's true, ask our lawyers.

No, kidding, YOU DO! You're the only real change that's possible in this election, and in our political and social futures. So take these candidates' vernacular with a grain of salt. Go out and vote, but vote on issues, not on their claim on words, metaphors or terms.

In '08, change is coming from the people, not the politicians.

'08ing hits SF

Good people of the City by the Bay: '08ingchange has landed.
In early December, a group of '08ing muckrakers threw up our beautiful paraphernalia all over the streets of this fair town.

Neighborhoods hit: north beach, chinatown, financial district, SOMA, mission, lower and upper haight, and more.

If you missed out, keep your cool. More '08ing subversive ad campaigns to come.
No city will be safe, no town left uncovered, no village unscathed.

Join us, help us. Bring '08ing home to your neighborhood - we make a great holiday gift!

As always, respect and love. And many thanks to the SF cats who helped make it happen.
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