Friday, October 26, 2007

I have to regulate

This week has proven to be a busy one. With sixteen hour work days and postering in the evening there has been little room for sleep. I have been working hard, zig zagging across the city and laying down glue and paper whenever possible. I have also had to throw the smack down on two locations. Advertisers trying to cover up my shit with some stupid advert, and with painters tape!

Well, let me just say that shit don't stick, but mine do. On both occasions I ran out of the car, tore the adverts down to reveal our message of change, still there, stuck on good and tight.

So we hit some west, and even made our way east to China town. More locations to come. Let me know what changes you are making in your day to day life. This is a collaborative effort. Don't forget that WE have the power. WE have the power to be whomever WE wish to be. WE have the power to create the life condition WE choose to live. And WE have the power to tell those in power that their power is given to them by US. And that when WE demand change, WE expect results.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

saw a poster out my office window downtown. nice.