Thursday, October 18, 2007

a little change + a littel change = a whole lot of change

We should never doubt the power that lies within small change. I know there is change going on every minute of every day. If we were to harvest all that change and add it up it would weigh a ton. That is where the power of 08ingchange comes into play. We want to hear from YOU.

The size of change is not what's important, it is the act of making change that is important. All the small changes each of us makes in our lives added up create billions of changes each day. It is when i begin to think in these terms does my mind begin to tremble. So much change happening, everywhere. Now, if only I could consalidate it? But wait, we can!

Email us at and fill us in on the changes you have made. You will soon find out that others out there are thinking on the same wave length and before you know it, the small change you made is now a big change all over the world.

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